Caoimhe Mc Cormick Cup
This trophy was presented to the school by Barry, Bernie and Orla Mc Cormick in memory of Caoimhe. While at Scoil Mhuire, Caoimhe was the embodiment of everything required to be an exemplary student. Kindness, politeness, generosity, and a strong work ethic were all part of her make-up. Caoimhe had a positive and lasting influence on everyone she met from staff to Junior Infants with her glowing smile and lovely sense of fun. Student Of The Year is chosen to be someone who best reflects the traits we all loved and admired in Caoimhe .

Niamh Cassidy

Kyle Brannigan
Hannah Mc Phillips Ellen Flynn Rebecca Mc Phillips Kerri Flynn Ava Tate Josh Brady

Gerry Morris

Daniel Rochford
Clodagh McKenna 2023